New Blog address:
Sentire Cum Ecclesia is shifting domains. I have transferred the entire blog over to word press at the following address:
Please make this change to your links and favourites.
Why have I done this? I'll let you guess, but here is a clue: I have greater control over who can post comments.
Your first comment will need to be moderated by me. Once I approve you as a commentator, you can comment to your hearts content - until you break on of the rules of "How to be nice on this blog". Then I black-ban you. I value the discussion we have on SCE and I want to be able to maintain its high quality.
See you over there at Word Press!
I'm disappointed to see this move as I think all concerned over here are responsible and improving commentators per se. I value the instant exchange of ideas, dogma and the like and I question the need to migrate as you already delete comments that you deem offensive.
Frank, just to let you in on a secret, I know that David and close friends of his have been quite disappointed, to say the least, at the recent marked drop in the standard of discourse evinced on his blog: I believe David has been upset and has taken this step reluctantly, but in the last analysis finds it most necessary.
It's his blog, and we need to respect that.
Yes Joshua what you say is correct this is his blog and the respect does need to be given. I am not familiar too much with the past activities on this blog however I would hope that a vigorous, yet charitable, exchange of words will continue to animate the new blog over there. As I said in an earlier post, as an older man I do tend to be fairly direct and can at mies be perveived as giving offence where none was intended. I am aware of this and hvae therefore made a pledge over there to be perhaps a little more concentrating on the dogma rather than the personal aspects as such. I have found that a good handle on the dogma makes a good Catholic. Over the years, and I must admit, it's a few years ago now I was active invarious lay apostolates; Legion of Mary, Apostleship of Prayer, Holy Name Society and so forth and so on. These were the days when the men of the parish stood up and under the guidance of the PP went out into the world and bought souls to the Catholic Faith. I suppose that coming from an age where we had little or nothing to do with Non Catholics it has been difficult yet rewarding staying on the Catholic track. And that I intend to do. d.v.
Good on you, Frank! I must say, this blog does serve a valuable role for us Catholics in that we must give an account of our Faith to non-Catholics, without scandalizing or upsetting them -something all too easy to do.
As has been evident lately, written comments can inflame passions because the tone of our words is hard to interpret, and it is so easy to write things that one would say perhaps in another manner.
It goes without saying that we hope to convince others of the truth of what we believe (I daresay they think likewise); but Rome wasn't built in a day!
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