Quote of the Day
An endearing quality of the Howard government was they didn't actually do much.Chris Berg, "Meet the Nanny Spider", The Sunday Age
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An endearing quality of the Howard government was they didn't actually do much.Chris Berg, "Meet the Nanny Spider", The Sunday Age
I look forward to the day when all Local Governments here in Victoria are removed ,and along with with State governments are turned into Regional Governments that will take on the role and functions of both and perhaps take back some of the functions that the federal Government has quietly subsumed.
But Chris berg is from the IPA the think tank that should be an anathema to all Christians as they propose policies that are about personal peace and affluence and the non compassionate use of wealth.
They are the mob who thought that the fire at kew residential services which killed 9 men with disability was caused by fire alarm improvements .What the heck? There former Director Des Moore has a cash register instead of a heart.
It's still a good quote! And I do agree with him on some points of the Nanny State. (Better a Tyrannical Father for a government than a Overbearing Mother.)
Das Führerprinzip, Herr Schütz? ;-)
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